Cliffy B.- You Don't Need To Play The First Two Gears To Play The Third

For many of you new to the XBox 360 scene or maybe new to the extremely popular Gears of War franchise, you might be wondering if you can just go into the upcoming installment of the series, Gears of War 3, without knowing anything or playing any of the first two games. Well, while I would still highly recommend that you do play the first two, Cliffy B. explains briefly in a recent tweet, you do not need to. His words exactly:

If you haven’t played a Gears game yet you’re fine starting with #3. I didn’t play Burnout or GTA until their 3rd games. :) #tellafriend
Well, I consider you readers some of my friends, so I’m doing my part here! ;) So if you are one of those eagerly anticipating the upcoming sequel to the series but have not yet played the first two, no sweat! Now, although Mr. B says you don’t have to – I still suggest you play the first two so that you can understand the story and Gears universe a bit more. But either way, make sure you check out Gears of War 3 when it hits the Xbox 360 exclusively this September 20th, 2011.

2 Responses to “Cliffy B.- You Don't Need To Play The First Two Gears To Play The Third”

  1. Gears of War 3 GOTY 2011……………….Poor Uncharted 3 lol never stood a chance against gears in graphics and story also Multi-player lol.

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